After writing to congratulate the members of the committee set up to provide a roadmap by harmonizing the various position papers on the resolution of the herdsmen-farmers conflict and raising objection to the effort of the government to favour the Fulani against farmers who are victims of their attacks.
The Conference of Autochthonous Ethnic Nationalities Community Development Associations (CONAECDA) a network of over 300 minority ethnic nationalities community development associations representing over 300 minority ethnic groups in Northern states of Nigeria is really dismayed at the report of the committee.
We are however not surprised by the report because the work of the committee was cut out for it as stated by the Permanent secretary ministry of Agriculture as posted on its web site and we quote. The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Sonny Echono, had explained that President Muhammadu Buhari has directed the Ministry to consider the recommendations of studies commissioned by the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) and the Northern Governors Forum (NGF) on the same subject with a view to developing pragmatic strategic action plan for the development of grazing reserves and stock routes nationwide.”

To those who may not remember President Muhammadu Buhari was the PTF Chairman and out of the 19 Governors of Northern Nigeria more than 50% were of Hausa Fulani Background.
Our People are victims of the unprovoked attacks by Fulani herdsmen against our farming communities in northern Nigeria. We make bold to say that Fulani are not the only herdsmen in, however the assignment of the committee has been reduced to an ethnic assignment where the Fulani herdsmen are designated as one of two parties to the conflict.
We make bold to say that the herdsmen-farmers’ conflicts are not an agricultural conflict, but an expression of deep-seated ethnic, cultural, religious, economic and political interests, differences, crises and crimes. We also want to state that the committee is nothing but a group of individuals mandated to give the Fulani what they are demanding for without recognizing the fears and aspirations of hundreds of communities of famers (who are both crop and animal producers) and the implementation of the recommendation of the committee will lead to nothing but plunge this country into an intractable crisis.
We believe the solution to the herdsmen-farmers’ conflict lies in the resolution of the National Conference 2014, which is a national consensus based on the best available and concrete information and understanding flowing from a nationally negotiated agreement, and cannot be superseded by the views of a few experts.
As a reminder we list the key points of the resolutions bellow, the details of which are available in the 2014 National Conference Report:

1.    Phase out cattle routes and grazing reserves in the long term to lay emphasis on ranching.
2.    Bring cattle rustling under control by better policing because it is a disincentive to ranching.
3.    In the meantime, States which have large livestock populations should endeavour to maintain grazing reserves.
4.    The traditional institutions should be primarily responsible for the Conflict Resolution between the Herdsmen and Farmers, and also their respective Associations.
5.    Where resolutions failed, then the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Centre should be their last resort.

Our communities are concerned that a President of Fulani extraction is determined to forcefully and otherwise take over the lands of other communities and give them to people of his ethnic group in the name of grazing reserves and cattle routes.
These fears as expressed by our communities, and they demand that we make it clear to all Nigerians and the international community; that our communities have resolved not to give out land for the creation of Fulani territories in the name of grazing reserves, but will in the spirit of national brotherhood provide land for ranching on clearly stipulated conditions by our communities, to anyone irrespective of his ethnic background. If however, the economic, political and cultural agenda of the Fulani ethnic group is executed without due reference to the fears and aspirations of the hundreds of other ethnic groups (the so called farmers), we will want to put it on record that no Traditional Ruler or community leader or group can control the various and diverse reactions that these move will trigger. Let it never be said that the President was not given the benefit of the strong views of the over 300 ethnic groups whose lands are the target of forceful occupation by the Fulani ethnic group.
We write this letter with the highest sense of responsibility, hoping that the President will bring us peace and not more bloodshed.
We pray that God Almighty will grand the Leaders of this Nation wisdom in resolving these issues. We assure Nigerians of our commitment to peaceful resolution of the issues but not at all costs.
Long live CONAECDA
Long live The Federal Republic of Nigeria

Suleman S. Sukukum
Sec. Gen.                                                           


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