
The acronym CONAECDA stands for Conference of Autochthonous Ethnic Community Development Associations. This is an institution designed to serve as a Network with an implementation secretariat for existing or future community development associations registered as incorporated trustees or as Limited by guarantee institutions that have the following features.
i.                    The association or union represents an entire ethnic group or ethnic cluster.
ii.                  The ethnic group has to be autochthonous to a given area in Nigeria.
iii.                The ethnic group does not describe itself as a majority group in the federal republic of Nigeria even though it may be a majority in any given State or Local government area.
iv.                 The Association is not a splinter group or representing only a section of the ethnic group within a state. ( a. two associations may be acceptable where they each represent an ethnic group in two different states. b. a single association can represent an ethnic group in more than one state.)
v.                   Currently there are over 300 member CDAs that participate in CONAECDA.
vi.                 There are currently 15 State forums.
CONAECDA is established as a forum to help in coordinating the activities of the various development associations in areas that affect most of the communities or a single community but requiring collaboration of other members to successfully address.

a.      To promote unity and integration among its members and other Nigerians
b.      To preserve the cultural and ethnic identity of its members
c.       To preserve and develop the languages of its members
d.      To promote cooperation towards national and international development
e.      To manage integration  of peoples in line with cultural and international conventions
f.        To help in conflict resolution
g.      To collaborate with government and one another in security matters
h.      To promote and protect the human rights of members  and non members living in our communities
i.        To promote national unity and Integration
j.        To promote socio-cultural and political-economic development of members
k.       To advocate on all issues affecting members
l.        To liaise with national and international bodies on human, indigenous peoples, and minority rights
m.    To build capacity of leaders of member associations.

i.                    CONAECDA is primarily a Network where autochthonous ethnic community development associations share their fears, aspirations and challenges, and collectively agree on issues to be addressed and how to address them.
ii.                  However, to avoid a situation in which the conference becomes a mere talk shop, a secretariat is established to coordinate the execution of decisions reached at the conference level and to work with member associations on issues affecting them in line with the overall objectives of the conference.

iii.                The conference also works with existing CDA Forums at state levels.


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